Sunday, June 2, 2019

June 2nd Max’s 12th Birthday *Shout Out*

Captains Blog: Day 2
Today we went to the Museum of Appalachia in Norris, TN (Link to website).  I highly recommend going if you ever make it out this way.  There are 36 exhibits flooded with historical items and the interesting stories that go along with them.  Before visiting the museum my perception of Appalachian natives may have been slightly skewed, based on TV shows about moonshiners, and movies about serial killers...don’t get me wrong, I didn’t quite expect to walk into a museum of horror, but I also didn’t expect to be so familiar with their history.  I felt like a lot of what I saw was similar to my own ancestors.  As I was walking through some of the little cabins it reminded me of grade school field trips to the Mark Twain museum, or walking through Wild Life Prairie Park. There were even photos that made me think of sitting on my grandmas living room floor going through old family photos.  It is amazing to think of how far our culture has evolved over the last 100 years. As I am sitting here typing this on my iPad, I can’t help but think of how much has evolved over just the last 30 years...before all things technology.
One of the exhibits that we walked through was the “Broom and Rope House”. I think in that moment it occurred to me just how inventive people have always been.  When you think of a broom it seems so simple, but I’m sure it never occurred to you how they were made, at least it never occurred to me.  I feel like our society is so busy all the time and there are always new and amazing things around us, but we sometimes forget to pause for a moment and think about how simple life used to be.  Today I took some time to remember how thankful I am for what I have, and how far I have come in my almost 36 years.  I’m greatful for what our ancestors have done for us so we can live in luxary, and I am not talking about how much/little money we have, but how much easier it is to just go to the store and buy a broom.

That is all for tonight...come back tomorrow for an update on our NC adventures

1 comment:

  1. You captured some great photos to share Erin! The way things have came about so quickly is excting and a bit overwhelming at times. I am glad you found some appreciation and reflection on this experience.


Captains Blog: Day 8 I will go back to blogging to you don’t have to here all of the “ummms” in my vlogs.  Something I might need to work ...